Kentucky’s top recruit Skal Labissiere logs off social media for most of summer
Skal Labissiere, Rivals’ No. 1 player and Kentucky’s top signee.
If only all of us could be as committed asBy committed, I mean not waking up and scrolling through Instagram, poking people on Facebook all day, and feeling the constant itch to check Twitter and Snapchat. Labissiere, swore off all of it, social media that is, to focus on his training from now until Aug. 15.
Labissiere, 18, is focused and ready to leave his 12.5K Instagram followers and 896 Twitter followers.
Social media is definitely not all bad. In fact for college and professional athletes it can build up their popularity enormously. However, with a social media presence and brand comes a lot of hard work and time — and for young athletes this can steer them in a direction of “shooting for the gram” rather than shooting for the team, or the win.
Hopefully, by restraining from social media Labissiere can refocus his energy going into his first collegiate season.