Jersey Fouls of the Week: Jazz Hands proves a kingly find; Tampa advertising fail
A certain team staffer asked me this week about Jersey Fouls, and why we fouled a certain, Batman-like Ducks outfit. There’s a good reason behind this.
It’s because fouls, are art. We don’t just foul based off how bad these jerseys look. We foul also based off how much we enjoy looking at them. For example the Vatman was fouled not just because it looked stupid.
It was fouled for its incredible creativity involved in combining Sami Vatnanen and Batman. But again, we needed to know if it was Michael Keaton’s or Christian Bale’s version of Bat/Vat man. Or maybe dude is a George Clooney or Val Kilmer fan.
This week’s group of fouls didn’t include any winged super heroes. But they were still a solid bunch. With many teams eliminated from the playoffs, we had to dig into our vast email archives for a few. But overall, they were quite enjoyable. Hopefully the dude above can change the ‘5’ to ‘6’ but the Blues may want to get out of the first couple at some point.
Remember, for all our fouls make sure to go to our Tumblr page.
If you want to submit, make sure to email us at [email protected] or tweet to the hashtag #jerseyfoul. We’ll pick them up, and try to make sure to give credit where credit is due.
Without further delay, here are our fouls of the week:
3. Numerical history lesson in Chicago
As we noted on the ole Tumblr, according to Hockey-Reference, nobody on Chicago has worn No. 70, enhancing the foul.
2. Poor hoody placement
If you’re going to advertise your dentistry practice on a jersey, you shouldn’t wear a hood, just so people can see the ad. I mean, I can’t read this.
1. Alec Martinez celebrationdance of joy!
All ‘Jazz Hands’ fouls are welcome and encouraged.
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Josh Cooper is an editor for Puck Daddy on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at [email protected] or follow him on Twitter! Follow @joshuacooper